Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 4 - I'ma Show You How to Get Your Shine On

I woke this morning and almost forgot my right foot was trapped, nay, protected by a plastic boot. That all too familiar feeling of a full stomach from late night eats and a dehydrated mouth from too much alcohol. My eyes were in a bit of a daze, but I did remember to take my contacts out so it wasn't too bad.

After going out drinking so many nights you begin to fall into a pattern or establish a hangover routine. This routine would have to change along with the rest of my life. It wasn't pleasant but I managed to get through it, however I almost regretted what I did last night..... almost.

Let's just say I will be getting my shine on again tonight. Right now the night is young, there is music in the air, and I got nothing but a can-do attitude as the possibilities of the evening swirl about my head like a tornado ripping through the alley. Who says crips can't have fun? Remember, we are, special.

Before I forget, I'd like to thank the donor who was a kind, two legged angel that saw fit to help out the less fortunate with a rather generous donation.

Today was a good day. I was a little nervous about my first day of classes with the 'business kids.' But aside from getting to my first class late (I told you, I got my shine on last night) and having my teacher go on a five minute rant about how he once broke his arm, it was much like my experience on Thursday with the quad people. No girls called me baby today but I could see it in their eyes, they all wanted something from the temporary handicap, they all wanted to step in my world, and more noticeably they all wanted a ride on the special bus.

With Valentine's day around the corner I can only say this to the girl readers of this blog, step it up. Believe it or not a lot of people want a guy in a plastic boot, especially a good looking, ambitious, sure of himself, go-getter, life of the party type of guy like myself. I give you tonight to show me your good side and just remember I don't want to deal with your little power struggle games when I need you to come over and help cook me dinner, I'm not having it. But believe me when I say after Saturday (if you are the lucky one) I will be the one having to say "Not now baby, I'm tired" or "Sweetie, I'm just not in the mood." I'm excited for tonight and a little nervous about how I will travel . I'm like 98% excited and 2% scared, or maybe 98% scared and 2% excited but that's what makes it so intense. So I'm just going to do what I did all freshmen year. I am going to let go, get my shine on, and see where the night takes me, I'll see you out there and remember - hold the f*cking door open!

Given the above paragraph, I'll leave this quote for you ladies. A girl friend of mine once asked me, "Coach JR, how do I find a real man like you?" and I replied with the only truthful answer I could give here "You don't find him honey. A real man, finds you."


  1. Coach JR,

    I find your story amazing. I have a blog too that I'd love you for you read along with,

    Feel free to comment on mine as well

  2. Keep fighting the good fight JR you're an inspiration to us all
    and remember "hope springs eternal in the human breast"
